Just a few days ago, on an early Sunday morning – or late Saturday night, depending on who you ask – a single-vehicle car wreck killed Erwin Juarez, 31, near Augusta, Georgia. At the time, police said only that Juarez’s truck had been out of control and that alcohol was suspected to be involved in the accident. Now, though, police are on the lookout for Jose Armando Valderas Garcia, who’s being charged with first-degree vehicular homicide. Garcia is thought to be in the Houston, Texas area, on his way to Mexico.
This kind of case is incredibly disturbing. For one thing, police are being very vague about how Juarez actually died, stating only that the cause was “blunt force trauma”. We can only assume that Garcia was driving at the time of the accident and that he was intoxicated. Now he’s fled across state borders and is thought to be attempting to flee across national borders. Imagine if he is in another accident and hurts someone else. He’s not likely to stick around to exchange insurance information. That’s why your Houston car accident attorney will advise that you keep your eyes peeled while you drive.
If you live in Houston, a car accident attorney like Kirkendall Dwyer LLP can give you advice on what to do to prevent accidents, look out for suspicious behavior, and what to do if you’re in an accident with an uninsured or underinsured driver. A Houston car accident attorney can also tell you what to do if you’re involved in a hit and run accident.
Seeing news like this reminds us that we’re not always safe on the highway. Though it’s the law that every car be registered and insured, that’s just not always the case. However, if you know your rights and the right legal actions to take, you’ll be in good standing, even if you get hit by someone who isn’t.