Sharing the road to prevent car accidents

Share the Road and Ask an Accident Attorney in Houston for Help

In Round Rock, Texas, this week, a bicyclist traveling southbound on the I-35 service road was struck and killed on his way to work. The cyclist, Joseph Holan, 44, was said to have been wearing a helmet and a reflective vest when a motorist changing lanes hit him from behind.

The accident happened at about 6:45 in the morning. Police say that excessive speed and alcohol are not thought to be factors, though the accident is still under investigation. The driver has not been charged, but both the bicycle and the vehicle have been towed from the site for further investigation.

This is the tragic result of someone not paying quite enough attention on the road. Drivers are advised to look out for bicycles, especially on stretches of road that are not well lit, but you’re not always at the top of your game on a morning commute. If you aren’t accustomed to seeing cyclists on your morning commute, you may not be thinking that you’ll see someone riding a bike in the right lane. It’s an out-of-sight/out-of-mind kind of phenomenon.

If you’re involved in an accident on the road, whether it’s with a bicycle or another automobile, you should speak with an accident attorney in Houston, especially if there’s any question of who was at fault for the accident. Without the legal aid of attorneys like the ones at Kirkendall Dwyer LLP, you could be in for a world of expenses and even jail time.

If you are a bicycle commuter, and you’ve been involved in an accident, your first call should be to an accident attorney in Houston. Police are not often very sympathetic to cyclists, and insurance companies work to give as little compensation as possible. An accident attorney in Houston could help you get the compensation you need and deserve.


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